
Ufficio liturgico - Musica sacra, Bologna

The website of my dioceses, I am sure it will grow better and better !


On line pubblication containing, among many other documents, great original scores from Rev. Pierangelo Ruaro

Classical Guitar Forum

Classical guitar forum from master Delcamp, available in Italian, English, Spanish and French

Liturgical guitarist

Really interesting website from Jim Mailon full of original sheet music for guitar including video tutorial. Jim's works are mainly intended for guitar solos in liturgical contests.


Professional free software to create, play and print sheet music. It's the software that I normally use

Rocco De Cia

A website including a lot of material regarding music theory from a young high level teacher - composer. To me he has been a real master.


A website still under construction but it bodes well. Some scores of liturgical tunes are already available and it contains other interesting pages, too.